Web maps exhibit

- Python, Mapbox, JavaScript
- QGIS, Mapbox Geocoding API, Geoserver
Review of different web maps I've made
This is simply a display of a few web maps that I've created. The majority of them were developed using the Leaflet.js library for web mapping. Each project is modest in size and simplicity, as I didn't use any databases, but simple GeoJSON files. The base maps, consisting of raster tiles, are acquired from publicly available sources.
Leaflet-based web maps
Isochrones analytics map. I did this isochrone analysis using pgRouting and QGIS. I also wrangled demographics data and several sources of data from education services and bus routes, all to be displayed on this webmap.
Pools detection map using deep learning. This was made to showcase the result of a deep learning algorithm for pool detection using aerial photographs. It includes raster data hosted on a Geoserver instance, and a CSS-based sidebar to show/hide the layers controls'.
Simple parcel map with metadata in a box. Click on the parcel to update metadata.
Miami regulation map. It has a search bar to look up for addresses, pointing to Mapbox Geocoding API. However, it's not functional to avoid possible charges (It's not a free API!).
Los Angeles asthma danger map. Hexagonal grid with scores of asthma vulnerability.
Montevideo's median prices of built square meter. Data can be filtered by lower and higher values. The data was scrapped from a real state website.
Isochrones from center point. Isochrones were made using QGIS and QNEAT plugin.
Kepler.gl maps
Kepler is an application for geospatial analytic visualizations.
Mapbox GL is, as Leaflet, based on JavaScript.